Our research covers a range of issues relevant to entrepreneurial businesses and SMEs, and our Scale-up, Regional Growth and Entrepreneurship (SURGE) Research Group specialises in a number of topics including:

Digital business
E-business and SMEs 
Emergent Technologies and Innovation​
Enterprise policy
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Family businesses 
High growth businesses 
Innovation Management 
Management in small firms 
Scenario planning 
The Triple Helix (industry, government and university interactions) 

Please email us if you would like more information, or see some of our most recent work below.

Amos, S. and Hruskova, M. (2024). Scotland’s Circular Economy Practices: Ecosystem Barriers to Businesses Being More Circular. Zero Waste Scotland.

Mallett, O., Wapshott, R. and Vorley, T. (2018). Understanding the firm-level effects of regulation on the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (UK). ​

McQuaid R & Webb A (2018) Regional Report Of Labour Market’s Characteristics and Summary Of Challenges And Opportunities In Scotland. European Commission. Replay-VET ERASMUS+ Project. Frankfurt, Germany.

Wapshott, R. and Mallett, O. (2022). Bolton 50 Years On: What We Can Learn from a Landmark Study of Small Businesses. Enterprise Research Centre. Coventry: ERC Insight Paper.

Breheny, M.J. and McQuaid, R. (2018). The Development of High Tech Industries: An International Survey. Oxford: Routledge. 

Mallett, O. and Wapshott, R. (2020). A History of Enterprise Policy: Government, Small Business and Entrepreneurship. New York: Routledge.

Wapshott, R. and Mallett, O. (2015). Managing Human Resources in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Entrepreneurship and the Employment Relationship. London: Routledge. 

Journal articles:
Grant, K., Edgar, D., Sukumar, A. and Meyer, M. (2014). ‘Risky business’: Perceptions of e-business risk by UK small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). International Journal of Information Management, 34(2): 99-122. 

Hruskova, M. (2024). Ecosystem Pipelines: Collective Action in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. International Small Business Journal, 42(1): 39-66.

Knox, S. and Arshed, N. (2022). Network governance and coordination of a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies, 56(7): 1161-1175.

Knox, S. and Arshed, N. (2023). Street‐level discretion, personal motives, and social embeddedness within public service ecosystems. Public Administration Review.

Mallett, O., Wapshott, R. and Vorley, T. (2019). How do regulations affect SMEs? A review of the qualitative evidence and a research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 21(3): 294-316. 

Mason, C., Anderson, M., Kessl, T. and Hruskova, M. (2020). Promoting student enterprise: Reflections on a university start-up programme. Local Economy, 35(1): 68-79.

Meliou, E. and Mallett, O. (2022). Negotiating gendered ageing: Intersectional reflexivity and experiences of incongruity of self-employed older women. Work, Employment and Society, 36 (1): 101-118.

Meyer, M., Kuusisto, J., Grant, K., De Silva, M., Flowers, S. and Choksy, U. (2019). Towards new Triple Helix organisations? A comparative study of competence centres as knowledge, consensus and innovation spaces. R and D Management, 49(4): 555-573. 

Park, C., McQuaid, R., Lee, J., Kim, S. and Lee, I. (2019). The Impact of Job Retention on Continuous Growth of Engineering and Informational Technology SMEs in South Korea. Sustainability, 11(18), Art. No.: 5005. 

Wapshott, R. and Mallett, O. (2024). Small business stories in the formation of enterprise policy: a narrative policy analysis of the UK Bolton Committee. Small Business Economics.

Theme by the University of Stirling